The ability of people to buy sufficient safe, nutritious and affordable food
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Producing food in a way that can be maintained over a long period of time and protects the environment.
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A foundation set up to ensure that food producers in developing countries get paid fair prices for their crops and have decent working and living conditions.
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Primary Food Processing
Foods are processed straight after harvest or slaughter, to get them ready to be eaten or ready to be used in other food products, such as wheat grain (seeds) into flour.
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Secondary Food Processing
Primary processed foods are either used on their own or mixed with other foods and turned into other food products, such as wheat flour turned into bread or pasta.
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Breaking cereal grains (seeds) down and separating the layers, turning the grain into flour.
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Carbon Footprint
A measure of the contribution of something (e.g. food production) to the emission of greenhouse gases.
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Climate change
Changes in the earth’s temperature that can lead to unusual and extreme weather conditions
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Food provenance
Where foods and ingredients originally come from.
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Greenhouse gases
These make up an insulating layer around the earth’s atmosphere, tapping heat and raise the earth’s temperature.
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Non-renewable energy
Energy produced from fossil fuels that cannot be renewed once they are used up.
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Fossil fuels
Fuels such as coal, oil and gas that were created over millions of years by fossilised plants and animals.
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Chemicals sprayed onto plant crops to prevent insect and mould attack and weed growth, producing strong plants.
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Grown ingredients
Plants grown for food (Herbs, fruit, vegetables, cereals)
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Reared ingredients
Animals, birds and fish specially bred in captivity and brought up to be ready to eat.
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Gathered ingredients
Plant foods gathered from the wild for eating(e.g. herbs, edible fungi, berries, seaweed)
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Caught ingredients
Animals, birds, fish, and shell fish hunted and caught from the wild for eating
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Intensive farming
Growing or rearing large numbers of the same type of plant or animals in one place
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Organic farming
Producing food using manure, compost and natural methods of weed, pest and disease control rather than chemicals.
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Genetic modification (GM)
A scientific technique that enables a particular characteristic from one plant or animal to be inserted into the genes of another.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Producing food in a way that can be maintained over a long period of time and protects the environment.
Card 3
A foundation set up to ensure that food producers in developing countries get paid fair prices for their crops and have decent working and living conditions.
Card 4
Foods are processed straight after harvest or slaughter, to get them ready to be eaten or ready to be used in other food products, such as wheat grain (seeds) into flour.
Card 5
Primary processed foods are either used on their own or mixed with other foods and turned into other food products, such as wheat flour turned into bread or pasta.
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