Food technology - Vitamins 0.0 / 5 ? Design & Technology: Food TechnologyNutritionGCSEWJEC Created by: alexbovingtonCreated on: 27-03-19 19:34 Which are the water-soluble vitamins? Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B9, B12 and C 1 of 15 Good sources of vitamin C Oranges, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Cheese, Kiwi and Cabbage 2 of 15 What type of vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K? Fat-soluble 3 of 15 How does the body obtain vitamin D? The body absorbs calcium and phosphorus and maintains the strength of bones and teeth 4 of 15 Why does a pregnant woman need an increased intake of folate (folic acid)? To help the development of the unborn baby, deficiency in folate could cause Spina Bifida to the unborn baby 5 of 15 What is Spina Bifida? A defect in the lower spine which could result in paralysis in the legs and feet and sometimes accompanied by learning difficulties 6 of 15 Two reasons why raw vegetables contain more vitamins than cooked vegetables They don't lose vitamins when being cooked and 7 of 15 What is the alternative name for vitamin C? Ascorbic Acid 8 of 15 Two dietary sources of vitamin A Liver and Carrots 9 of 15 What vitamin group does vitamin C and the B group vitamins belong to? Water-soluble vitamins 10 of 15 What is rickets and what vitamin deficiency is it associated with? Rickets is when bones become weak and bend in children and caused by vitamin D deficiency 11 of 15 Symptom of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency Pernicious anaemia 12 of 15 What do antioxidants do? Protect cell membranes 13 of 15 What is cholecalciferol? Another name for vitamin D 14 of 15 What vitamin deficiency causes night blindness? Vitamin A 15 of 15
Section 5: Food Provenance - Chapter 11: Processing and production - 2: Technological developments associated with better health and food production 0.0 / 5
GSCE AQA Food Technology - The nutritional properties of food 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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