what is the importance of fruit and vegetable in a diet?
the importance of fruit and vegetables in a diet is the fact that they are healthy. and good for the system. they contain a range of nutrients and are therefore an important part of the diet.
1 of 6
what are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?
they contain: vitamin A= maintenance of normal vision. folate= for the formation of healthy blood cells and for the nervous system. fribre= to help maintane a healthy gut. potassium= to maintain a healthy blood pressure and nervous system functions.
2 of 6
what are included in the 5 a day?
16 grapes=1 portion, half a pepper = 1 portion half a 400g can of baked beans= 1 portion two lollies that contain fruit juice= 1 portion half an avacado= 1 portion.
3 of 6
what is the importance of vitamin A?
vitamin A helps the normal vision, immune system, heart, lungs, kidneys and any other organs that work properly.
4 of 6
why do we need to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day?
to lower the risk of seriouys health problems, such as heart disease, strokes and some cancers.
5 of 6
what counts as a portion?
stews, pasta, beans and pulses.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?
they contain: vitamin A= maintenance of normal vision. folate= for the formation of healthy blood cells and for the nervous system. fribre= to help maintane a healthy gut. potassium= to maintain a healthy blood pressure and nervous system functions.
Card 3
what are included in the 5 a day?
Card 4
what is the importance of vitamin A?
Card 5
why do we need to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day?
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