food technology crossword 2.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Design & Technology: Food TechnologySocial and environmental issuesGCSEAQA Created by: RachelWaite16Created on: 16-04-16 15:15 only eats fish pescetarian 1 of 9 muslim way of killing animals halal 2 of 9 doesn't eat eggs lacto vegetarian 3 of 9 doesn't eat any animal products at all vegan 4 of 9 a method of farming that allows the produce to run free free range 5 of 9 GM genetically modified 6 of 9 without using chemical fertilisers organic 7 of 9 people who are allergic to gluten coeliacs disease 8 of 9 caused by bad diet obesity 9 of 9