food groups 0.0 / 5 ? ScienceThe human bodyGCSEAll boards Created by: sfemarsdeneCreated on: 22-06-18 09:32 they are used as energy giving foods carbohydrates 1 of 9 they help repare and build muscles protein 2 of 9 40% of the energy you need comes from them fats 3 of 9 helps digest food and increases the bulk of food fibre 4 of 9 it takes up two thirds of your body mass.keeps you hydrated water 5 of 9 is essential for helping to transport oxygen around the body iron 6 of 9 if you lack it then it can reduce the number of red blood cells vitamin B12 7 of 9 it improves eyesight vitamin A 8 of 9 if there is not enough in the body then it can cause cramp sodium 9 of 9
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