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6. Coagulation...

  • thickening of starch when moist heat is applied
  • browning of starches when dry heat is applies (e.g toasting bread, cooking of cakes)
  • setting of proteins during heating
  • in proteins, changing of chemical structure

7. Flavourings...

  • add flavour to products - e.g - ice cream, yoghurts, crisps
  • used to prevent separation, e.g yoghurts.
  • prevents fats and oils becoming rancid. e.g - cakes, biscuits
  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats

8. What does ROWE stand for?

  • Rancidity, Oxidation, Water loss, Enzymes
  • rancid, oxygen, water, eggs
  • rancid, oxygen, water, enzymes
  • rancidity, oxygen, water, enzyme

9. Denaturation...

  • thickening of starch when moist heat is applied
  • browning of starches when dry heat is applies (e.g toasting bread, cooking of cakes)
  • in proteins, changing of chemical structure
  • setting of proteins during heating

10. Emulsifiers...

  • used to prevent separation, e.g yoghurts.
  • mix water and oil together to prevent separation. e.g - mayonaise, salad dressings
  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats
  • prevents fats and oils becoming rancid. e.g - cakes, biscuits

11. Rancidity...

  • antioxidants added to prevent rancidity, unpleasant taste/smell of fats/oils, caused by oxidation
  • colour and texture change, Vit A lost when exposed to light, air, heat & sunlight speeds up process, Vit C in particular is lost easily
  • B & C vits most affected, fruit and veg loose moisture and dry out which means loss of vits

12. Enzymes...

  • colour and texture change, Vit A lost when exposed to light, air, heat & sunlight speeds up process, Vit C in particular is lost easily
  • speed up ripening during storage, can cause browning in cut of bruised foods
  • antioxidants added to prevent rancidity, unpleasant taste/smell of fats/oils, caused by oxidation
  • B & C vits most affected, fruit and veg loose moisture and dry out which means loss of vits

13. Flavour enhancers...

  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats
  • give a more intense flavour e.g - ready- made meals, sweeteners
  • prevents fats and oils becoming rancid. e.g - cakes, biscuits
  • used to prevent separation, e.g yoghurts.

14. Why are additives useful?

  • improves appearance and colour of the food
  • saves using expensive nutrients
  • improve shelf-life, improve flavour, texture, appearance, colour, smell of food, improve consistency, increase nutritional value
  • improve shelf-life, makes food taste nicer, makes the food look more pretty

15. Antioxidants...

  • used to prevent separation, e.g yoghurts.
  • add colour to products - e.g - sweets, yoghurts, deserts
  • prevents fats and oils becoming rancid. e.g - cakes, biscuits
  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats

16. Caramelisation...

  • browning of sugar when dry heat is applies
  • thickening of starch when moist heat is applied
  • in proteins, changing of chemical structure
  • setting of proteins during heating

17. Gelatinisation...

  • browning of starches when dry heat is applies (e.g toasting bread, cooking of cakes)
  • in proteins, changing of chemical structure
  • thickening of starch when moist heat is applied
  • setting of proteins during heating

18. Preventing nutrient loss...

  • cook using low temperatures
  • canning, freezing, vacuum packing, air tight container, steam rather than boil, use fridge, handle with care to prevent bruising, tare instead of chopping, buy green veg.
  • cook using long methods
  • cool in sunlight

19. Preservatives...

  • used to prevent separation, e.g yoghurts.
  • prevents fats and oils becoming rancid. e.g - cakes, biscuits
  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats
  • prevent decay, make food safer to eat for longer, e.g - bacon, pies, meats

20. Dextrinisation...

  • browning of starches when dry heat is applies (e.g toasting bread, cooking of cakes)
  • thickening of starch when moist heat is applied
  • in proteins, changing of chemical structure
  • setting of proteins during heating