
Philosopy 1

Religios and spiritual experience

Public and private worship 

  • Created by: bolomon
  • Created on: 19-05-13 18:18
What is worship?
An act of respect or devotion to God. This is a way of honouring and developing a relationship with him.
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How do Christians worship?
To either pray on their own or with others (the Bibles says both ways are important)
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How do Christians worship in private?
They set aside some time to reflect on their beliefs or read passages from the bible. Additionally just putting Jesus' teachings into practice.
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How do Christians worship together?
Communal or corporate worship reminds them they are part of a group of believers, majority of communal worship takes place within a church
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How do christians use music to express their beliefs?
Hymns are used in church services, modern day music includes christian rock to appeal to the younger generation.
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How do christians use art to express their beliefs?
Depicting images of the Lord and his teachings reach out to children or the illiterate, in olden days they told stories to help those who couldn't understand latin connect with the teachings more.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do Christians worship?


To either pray on their own or with others (the Bibles says both ways are important)

Card 3


How do Christians worship in private?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do Christians worship together?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do christians use music to express their beliefs?


Preview of the front of card 5
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