Flashcard Key terms 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesGCSEAQA Created by: Rosa MorganCreated on: 25-02-13 16:17 Abortion The deliberate termination [ending] of a pregnancy, usually before the foetus is twenty-four weeks old. 1 of 10 Absolute morality What is morally right and wrong applies to all circumstances, at all times. 2 of 10 Abuse Misuse of the world and the environment. 3 of 10 Active euthanasia The ending of a life by a deliberate action, such as by giving a patient a fatal injection. 4 of 10 Adultery Sex outside of marriage where at least one of the couple is already married to someone else. 5 of 10 Age of consent The legal age for sex to be treated as by agreement. 6 of 10 Aid To help or assist people in need usually by practical assistance and gifts. 7 of 10 Artificial insemination (AI) Sperm medically inserted into the vagina to assist pregnancy. 8 of 10 Artificial insemination by husband (AIH) When a woman is made pregnant by the sperm of her husband, but not through having sexual relations with him. 9 of 10 Artificial insemination by donor (AID) When a woman is made pregnant by the sperm of a man other than her partner, but not through having sexual relations with him. 10 of 10
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