Fish 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionFishGCSEOCR Created by: kennedylilyCreated on: 10-01-16 13:07 How many portions of fish should you eat a week? Two 1 of 25 How many portions of oily fish should you eat a week? One 2 of 25 How much is one portion of fish? 150g fillet 3 of 25 Which type of protein does fish contain? HBV 4 of 25 What is HBV protein? Contains all 9 essential amino acids 5 of 25 What does oily fish contain? Fat 6 of 25 What type of fat does oily fish contain? Omega 3 7 of 25 What does omega 3 essential fatty acid reduce your risk of? CHD 8 of 25 Which two vitamins do fish contain? Vitamins A and D 9 of 25 Which mineral does fish contain? Iodine 10 of 25 Which mineral does canned fish alone contain? Calcium 11 of 25 Where is the fat stored in white fish? In the liver 12 of 25 Give two examples of white fish Cod and haddock 13 of 25 Where is the fat stored in oily fish? In the muscle 14 of 25 Give two examples of oily fish Salmon and tuna 15 of 25 Give four examples of shellfish Lobster, ****, shrimp and mussel 16 of 25 Over the next seven cards, name seven ways that fish can be cooked Grill/ BBQ 17 of 25 Second way that fish can be cooked Roast/ bake 18 of 25 Third way that fish can be cooked Shallow fry 19 of 25 Fourth way that fish can be cooked Poach 20 of 25 Fifth way that fish can be cooked In paper 21 of 25 Sixth way that fish can be cooked As sushi 22 of 25 Final way that fish can be cooked Cover in salt and roast 23 of 25 What is a well-known label on fish products? The Marine Stewards Council 24 of 25 What does the Marine Stewards Council label mean? That the fish have been caught or farmed in a sustainable way 25 of 25
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