Fiqh Level 3 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: hasaanCreated on: 09-01-18 22:02 What colour is the Fiqh Book Blue 1 of 12 What does fiqh mean Rules - Laws 2 of 12 What is Haraam An act is forbidden in islam 3 of 12 An example of Waajib is Praying Eid salaah 4 of 12 What is Tahaarah Stay clean and pure 5 of 12 An example of Najaasah Vomit 6 of 12 It is Fardh to wash najaasah of the body and clothes when larger than 50p coin 7 of 12 is salaah valid with najaasah on the body or clothes Yes if smaller than 50p 8 of 12 Ablution is the English word for Wudhu 9 of 12 To make a habit of making wudhu by only completing fardh actions is Makrooh 10 of 12 What is the Dua before Wudhu بسم الله و الحمد لله 11 of 12 Any dua while in the bathroom should be made in the heart 12 of 12
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