fetch-decode-execute cycle 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ComputingFundamentals of computer systemsASAQA Created by: James Mock son of dave mockCreated on: 21-01-16 12:58 what does the program counter store? the address of the next instruction 1 of 8 In the fetch part of FDE cycle what bus does it use to collect data from the memory? address bus 2 of 8 what is the key difference between von Neumann and Harvard architecture? Harvard uses two seperate buses for data and instructions 3 of 8 what does MAR stand for? memory address register 4 of 8 What does the MAR do? holds the memory location of data 5 of 8 MBR Memory Buffer Register 6 of 8 what is the use of the mbr? to temporarily store data whilst it's waiting to be processed 7 of 8 what is the use of the ALU where arithmetic and logic problems are performed 8 of 8