Feminist Theories (A2) 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: BethanyGrahamCreated on: 01-02-16 18:28 Which feminist theorists views the family in an optimistic way? Liberal Feminists 1 of 33 What do Liberal feminists focus on? Equality that exists 2 of 33 What do Liberal Feminists believe men take a more active role in? Housework, Childcare 3 of 33 How does Liberal Feminists think equality can be brought about? Equal reform 4 of 33 Liberal Feminists believe many couples today see relationship on ... Equal terms 5 of 33 How does Radical Feminists view society? Patriarchal, biased towards men 6 of 33 Which feminist group disagrees that lobbying will bring equality? Radical Feminists 7 of 33 What do Radical Feminists support? Diversity 8 of 33 Give an example of diversity which Radical Feminists support. Divorce 9 of 33 What do Radical Feminists view marriage as? Prison 10 of 33 According to Radical Feminists, how does a man maintain their dominant position? Aggression 11 of 33 Who believes divorce can be an escape route from a violent marriage? Radical Feminists 12 of 33 Marxist Feminists combined what key concepts? Patriarchy with Marxism 13 of 33 Women's opression is a symptom of what? Capitalism 14 of 33 Beneston states... women are slaves of wage slaves 15 of 33 Give one example of how capitalists exploit women in society. Gives birth to next generation of workers 16 of 33 According to Marxist Feminists; what gives men property rights over women? Marriage 17 of 33 What do Black Feminists believe black women face? Dual oppression 18 of 33 What is dual oppression according to Black Feminists? Racism, patriarchy 19 of 33 What do Black Feminists argue against other Feminists? White feminists have ignored the position of black women 20 of 33 Which ethnic group is more likely to have single parent families? Afro Caribbean 21 of 33 Give an example of how black women may face dual oppression? Arranged Marriages 22 of 33 Which Postmodern Feminists rejects the notion of feminity as a 'catch-all'? Butler 23 of 33 What does Butler argue? Range of different femininities 24 of 33 How does the traditional feminist approach fails to account all womens oppression? Different experiences 25 of 33 The New Right argues that equality is not always a good thing because... Working mothers have to juggle time with home and children and are doing more than 'just being a housewife' 26 of 33 "Views are outdated as there is now eqal pay and equal job opportunities" However feminists argue... class ceiling 27 of 33 Feminist Methodology Feminism has also made important contributuons to the way in which research is conducted 28 of 33 Ann Oakley "From here to Maternity" Small sample, in-depth interviews, built up a relationship of trust ith these women, increased the validity of her research 29 of 33 Soft-feminist methodology Quantitative-positivist methodology 30 of 33 Jayarathe (soft-feminist methodology) large-scale survey research should be made as gender neutral as possible 31 of 33 Hard-feminist methodology Collaborative approach; conducting unstructured interviews in which the interviewer and interviewee is more informal 32 of 33 One example of how a researcher could apply a collaborative approach? Giving participants co-authorship of finished research papers 33 of 33
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