1. Look at the legal and social rights for women E.G. equal pay, childcare and support for single mothers. 2. socialise people into patriarchal 3. Ann Oakley- suggest women still do most of the housework.
2 of 7
Criticisms of liberal feminism
* dont say how they achieve this. *not easy to socialise children without patiarchal
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radical feminism
1. Firestone- family is a source of patriarchal socialization, women- reproduce, infants depend on them, universal mother. 2. they suggest becoming a lesbain, as we are sleeping with the enemy
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criticisms of radical feminism
*not realistic people will not become lesbains. *ignore male house husbands. *outdated. *not relaint on men. * women work. *assuming women are only oppressed by the family. *lesbain relationships- still inequality
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Marxists feminism
*free childcare. *free labour. *reserve army of cheap labour. * capitalism oppresses women. * want to over throw capitalism. * warm bath theory.
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criticisms of marxists feminism
*unrealistic. *not every country is capitalists. *only look at capitalist countries, women still can be exploited in non capitalists countries. *outdated.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Liberal Feminism
1. Look at the legal and social rights for women E.G. equal pay, childcare and support for single mothers. 2. socialise people into patriarchal 3. Ann Oakley- suggest women still do most of the housework.
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