Fashion key words 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? FrenchMedia and cultureASAQA Created by: charlottelaxCreated on: 17-01-16 18:51 la griffe designer 1 of 41 griffé designer clothes 2 of 41 gros fat 3 of 41 les habits clothes 4 of 41 les hardes old clothes 5 of 41 la haute couture high fashion 6 of 41 l'image corporelle body image 7 of 41 l'image de marque brand image 8 of 41 l'image de soi self-image 9 of 41 large loose fitting, borad 10 of 41 le/la fashion victim fashion victim 11 of 41 la ligne figure (body shape) 12 of 41 le look look 13 of 41 maigre thin 14 of 41 la maison de mode fashion house 15 of 41 le mannequin fashion model 16 of 41 la marque brand 17 of 41 mettre to put on 18 of 41 mince slim 19 of 41 la mode fashion 20 of 41 le modele a émuler role model 21 of 41 le niveau de vie standard of living 22 of 41 passer de mode to go out of fashion 23 of 41 le pouvoir d'achat purchasing power 24 of 41 le pret a porter off the peg clothes 25 of 41 le pull a capuche hooded top 26 of 41 le regime diet 27 of 41 ressembler a to resemble 28 of 41 ringard square, old fashioned 29 of 41 s'habiller to dress 30 of 41 serre tight 31 of 41 le styliste designer 32 of 41 suivre la mode to follow fashion 33 of 41 sur mesure made-to-measure 34 of 41 la taille size 35 of 41 la top model top model 36 of 41 le trouble alimentaire eating disorder 37 of 41 uni/non-decore plain 38 of 41 la vedette star, celebrity 39 of 41 les vetements clothes 40 of 41 les vetements de marques designer clothes 41 of 41
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