anti rational, strength through struggle, leadership and elitism, socialism and ultranationalism
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what does it mean to be anti rational?
they noted how the rational thinking of democracy failed and so they believed in action over thought, totalitarian state and a strong leader who will work in the best interests of the public
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what is strength through struggle?
this is to do with social darwinism whereby the strongest will rise to the top and the weak will remain at the bottom. Those who are strong have struggled to get there.
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why do fascists support leadership and elitism?
they believe in Neitzsches superman (ubermensche) believe not all men are equal and we need a strong leader to work in the best interests of the state.
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why is socialism a core value?
they encourage corporatism but use it as a way to take complete control of the businesses and workers
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what is totalitarianism?
a certain kind of regime by which the state claims to have authority and control over every aspect of life. Politics and ideology of the state reside in the hans of a single leader or a ruling elite
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in reality what was corporatism?
in reality corporatism was an elaborate fascade, it was little more than an ideological slogan used as a way the fascist auythority could interve heavily and control all major economic interests. it was a way to gain a totalitarian state
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Card 2
what does it mean to be anti rational?
they noted how the rational thinking of democracy failed and so they believed in action over thought, totalitarian state and a strong leader who will work in the best interests of the public
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