What is a family: There are 4 different ways of appraching the question of what a family is, what are they?
1) ordinary man test 2) formalistic approach 3) idealised approach 4) self-definition approach
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What is a family: What is the ordinary man test?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- involves asking the ordinary man on the street how they define family and take that definition
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What is a family: What is the formalistic approach?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- focuses on criteria such as marriage or existence of children. Restrictive as it might exclude people who do not meet these particular formal ties but still consider themselves family
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What is a family: What is the function-based approach?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- Look at what the function of the people are e.g. caregiving or are others dependent on them
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What is a family: What is the idealised approach?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- involves defining what an ideal family is. 80's/90's this was a couple that was married and had children. Difficult approach as it is subjective
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What is a family: What is the self definition approach?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- involves just using your own definition. Causes problem for the law as too broad and court would not be able to respond to specific issues with this approach
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What is a family: In todays pluraistic society what other considerations do we need tot ake into account when defining a family?
religious/cultural considerations and need to consider modern families and chaning family structures
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What do modern families look like: List the 3 key things the figures from the 2019 survey of families and households by the Office for National Statistics show
1) increasing number of cohabitants 2)increasing acceptance of same-sex relationships 3) 42% of marriages in England and Wales end in divorce BUT divorce rates for those married after 2000 have been falling
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What do modern families look like: in 2019 how many same-sex families were in the UK and how much had this increased from 2015?
in 2019 there were 212,000 same-sex families in the UK, having increased by 40% since 2015
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What do modern families look like: which Act legalised same-sex marriage- also give the date it was given effect in England and the date it was given effect in Scotland
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. UK- 13th March 2014 and Scotland- 16 December 2014
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What do modern families look like: What is the most common type of same-sex couple family?
same-sex cohabiting couples- accouting for just over half of same-sex families in 2019
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What do modern families look like: Has the proportion of same sex cohabiting couples increased or decreased- give percentages
Decreased- from 59.6% in 2015 to 51.6% in 2019
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a family: What is the ordinary man test?
Way of approaching the question of what a family is- involves asking the ordinary man on the street how they define family and take that definition
Card 3
What is a family: What is the formalistic approach?
Card 4
What is a family: What is the function-based approach?
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