Faire du shopping et un échange - Shopping for Clothes and Returning Items 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyLifestyleLeisure and sportGCSEEdexcel Created by: alexdakotaCreated on: 06-05-15 15:55 blouson casual jacket 1 of 29 bottes boots 2 of 29 caleçon boxer shorts/ leggings 3 of 29 chemise de nuit nightdress 4 of 29 collant tights 5 of 29 cravate tie 6 of 29 écharpe scarf 7 of 29 gilet cardigan 8 of 29 imper(méable) raincoat 9 of 29 maillot de bain swimming costume/ trunks 10 of 29 pantoufles slippers 11 of 29 survêtement/ jogging tracksuit 12 of 29 marque brand/ make/ label 13 of 29 taille size 14 of 29 ridicule ridiculous 15 of 29 bouton button 16 of 29 pointure size (shoes) 17 of 29 veste jacket 18 of 29 être remboursé(e) to be refunded 19 of 29 reçu receipt 20 of 29 trou hole 21 of 29 il/ elle ne me va pas it doesn't suit me 22 of 29 à la mode fashionable 23 of 29 pas assez large not big enough 24 of 29 trop court(e) too short 25 of 29 démodé(e) old-fashioned 26 of 29 dernier/ dernière last 27 of 29 fâché(e) angry 28 of 29 déçu(e) disappointed 29 of 29
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