Faction and its impact under Edward VI

  • Created by: I.unit
  • Created on: 13-06-17 11:46
What led to the formation of an anti-Somerset faction?
Disquiet within the governing circles about the personal nature of Somersets government, as letters from Paget, a close advisor of the Protector reval.
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Other than opposing his methods and policies what other reasons against Somerset were there in the Anti Somerset faction?
The latter was opposed to Somersets religious policies, Warwick many have seen an opportunity to advance his own power, while Paget was concerned about Somerset ignoring his advice.
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What caused Somersets loss of power?
Moved Edward to Windsor, Edward fell ill, claimed that he was prisoner and abandoned his uncle. Edward accused Somerset of threatening riots, Somerset could not contradict the king and was removed from power within a week.
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Why was Somerset executed?
Warwick released somerset from jail his daughter married Warwicks son and he was restored to the privy council. Somerset continued to plot an attempt to recover his position and this led to the Privy council to executer him Jan 1552.
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What was Warwick made by Jan 1550
Warwick was Lord President of the Council.
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Card 2


Other than opposing his methods and policies what other reasons against Somerset were there in the Anti Somerset faction?


The latter was opposed to Somersets religious policies, Warwick many have seen an opportunity to advance his own power, while Paget was concerned about Somerset ignoring his advice.

Card 3


What caused Somersets loss of power?


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Card 4


Why was Somerset executed?


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Card 5


What was Warwick made by Jan 1550


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