F324: carbonyls OCR F324 carbonyl componds quiz 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: BethCreated on: 18-01-15 20:42 what is the funtional groups of carbonyls C=O 1 of 14 whats the best way to describe the functional group polar 2 of 14 what is the bond angle around the c atom 120 3 of 14 whats the name of this molecule CH3CH2CHO propanal 4 of 14 what is a suitable oxidising agent for alcohols acidified potassium dicromate 5 of 14 what do primary alcohols oxidise to aldehydes and carboxylic acids 6 of 14 whats the colour change in the oxidising agent orange to green 7 of 14 what type of reaction is the reduction of a carbonyl nucleophylic addition 8 of 14 whats the chemical test for an aldehyde tollens reagent 9 of 14 what would you expect to see when you mix an aldehyde and a suitible reagent silver mirror 10 of 14 you expect to see when you mix a carbonyl and a suitible reagent yellow precipitate 11 of 14 whats the chemical test for a carbonyl 2,4-DNP 12 of 14 how do you identify a carbonyl purify the orange precipitate and compare melting points 13 of 14 what do tirtiary alcohols oxidise to they dont oxidise 14 of 14
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