Extra Vocab 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAll boards Created by: LadyDragomirCreated on: 06-06-16 19:24 Das Abitur German Equivalent of A levels 1 of 50 Abfall (m) Rubbish 2 of 50 Anrufen To call 3 of 50 Aufwachsen To grow up 4 of 50 Beschäftigt Busy 5 of 50 Bieten To offer 6 of 50 Das Besondre an.. The special thing about.. 7 of 50 Dieb (m) Thief 8 of 50 Erwachsene Adults 9 of 50 Eintritt Entrance 10 of 50 Fortschritt (m) Developement 11 of 50 Geniessen To enjoy 12 of 50 Gestrichen Painted 13 of 50 Gründe Reasons 14 of 50 Kampf (m) (pl. Kämpfte) Fight(s) 15 of 50 Kaum Barely 16 of 50 Kostspielig Expensive 17 of 50 Krach Noise 18 of 50 Kulturangebot (m) Cultural Events 19 of 50 Leistung (f) Performance 20 of 50 Lernstoff (m) Material to be learnt 21 of 50 Manche Some 22 of 50 Miteinander Together / with another 23 of 50 Möglichkeit (f) Opportunity 24 of 50 Neulich Recently 25 of 50 Nicht Bloss Not only 26 of 50 Nötig Necessary 27 of 50 Plaudern to chat/talk 28 of 50 Reichen To suffice 29 of 50 Stau (m) Traffic jam 30 of 50 Schaffen To do 31 of 50 Simsen To text 32 of 50 Sonst noch (What) else 33 of 50 Tastatur (f) Keyboard 34 of 50 Treffen hart To hit hard (affect greatly) 35 of 50 Torwart (m) Goal keeper 36 of 50 Teilweise Partly 37 of 50 Üben (geübt) To practise 38 of 50 Überfordert Overwhelmed / can't cope 39 of 50 Unfall Accident 40 of 50 Unterricht (m) Class / lesson 41 of 50 Unterkunft (f) Accomodation 42 of 50 Unterwegs En route 43 of 50 Verbindung (f) Connection / service 44 of 50 Verdienen To earn 45 of 50 Verein (m) Club 46 of 50 Verkehrsmittel (n) Transport 47 of 50 Verletzen To injure 48 of 50 Von etwas erfahren To hear about / find out about something 49 of 50 Wechseln To change 50 of 50