EXTERNAL- Ethnicity and Educational Achievement

Give a government statistic about ethnicity (class) and achievement
White and Asians on average do better than Blacks, but white working class perform similarly/lower than ethnic minorities
1 of 13
What are the TWO main External Factors
Cultural Deprivation, Material Deprivation
2 of 13
Cultural Deprivation theorists argue that underachievement is a result of....
inadequate socialisation in the home
3 of 13
Children with a lack of intellectual and language skills would be...
poorly equipped for school
4 of 13
Ethnicity children are less likely to engage in school activities that are...
more intellectually demanding
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Why do ethnic children find it hard to join in with school activities
because the language spoken by ethnic families tend to be inadequate for educational success, which acts as a barrier to the child's success in education.
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What would a contrast be of the statement that ethnic minorities do not perform well in school
Indian children do just as well as White Middle Class Children, despite not speaking English at home.
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What do cultural deprivation theorists say about the attitudes of Black families
they suggest that Black families have FATALISTIC values which are passed down to their children and therefore the Black children do not hold the correct attitudes to do well in education
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Who made a direct criticism of cultural deprivation theorists regarding Black attitudes about education
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What was the direct criticism that ... made about Black attitudes in education
DRIVER, argued that cultural deprivation theory ignores the positive effects of ethnicity in education - e.g. Black family structure can show a strong independent women as the role model
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What is 'Material Deprivation'
a lack of materials necessary for educational achievement
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Give 3 examples of material deprivation
1. a tutor 2. enough space to work 3. internet access.
12 of 13
What did the SWAN report conclude
class has a 50% negative effect on children educational achievement
13 of 13

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Card 2


What are the TWO main External Factors


Cultural Deprivation, Material Deprivation

Card 3


Cultural Deprivation theorists argue that underachievement is a result of....


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Card 4


Children with a lack of intellectual and language skills would be...


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Card 5


Ethnicity children are less likely to engage in school activities that are...


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