Exploring Human Geography 2
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- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 12-05-15 14:22
What does Legg (2007) not cover in Reviewing Geographies of Memory?
Active remembering
1 of 21
What does Johnson (1995) not cover in Cast in stone: monuments, geography and nationalism?
Race and monuments
2 of 21
Which concept does Woodward (2013) not include in Military landscapes: Angendas and approached for future research?
The interplay between landscape morphology, military utility and landscape representation and interpretation are used as analytic tools in studies of military landscape
3 of 21
What is Hudsons main argument in The New Geography and The New Imperialism?
In the 1870's the modern form of 'New Geography' appeared to serve the interests of imperialism and colonialism in aspects of territorial, economic and militarism and the practice of race and class domination
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What is Wainwright's main idea in A remarkable disconnect; on violence, military research and the AAG?
Violence is pervasive that we take it for granted, from domestic, sexual, mass shootings, terrorism and welfare.
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What is the main message Lorimer states in Telling small stories: spaces of knowledge and the practice of geography?
Students at Glenmore Lodge Scotland, offered children from urban areas the opportunity to learn field studies and learning experiences were collected from field journals- capture the smells, sounds, sights and feelings or embodied experience
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What is Daniels and Nash's main argument in Lifepaths: geography and biography?
Narratives of the lifepath have been plotted in a geographical way, through the metaphor and technique of mapping; forms of life writing: spiritual autobiographies, travel writings, novels, educational texts, sociological studies and memoirs
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What is Emel's main idea in the Animal Geographies?
Animal geography is now used to establish how animals are arranged across the earth’s surface, or at small scales, to establish patterns of spatial co-variation between animals and enviro factors- Domestication of natural and cultural landscapes
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What is Giggs main argument in The Distribution of Schizophrenics in Nottingham?
The distribution of schiz in Nott is highly localized, in terms of tot pop of patients- closely correlated with those for a whole set of unfavouraunfavourable life circumstances, notably low social status, high unemployment and low social cohesion
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What is not one of Brown and Duncan's ideas in Placing Geographies of public health?
Critical health geography: a rapidly changing set of ideas and practices within human geography linked by a shared commitment to emancipatory politics within and beyond the discipline
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Which is not a key idea from Dicken's Global Shift?
The clockwork of state and TNC's is independent
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What is Crang's Its Showtime article about?
1) influence the nature of that labour's purpose, its product, its content; they help to establish the uses it makes of various human resources (emotional, manual, and mental) 2) they are crucial in framing the manner in self & labour links
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What is the main message of Hochschild Feeling Management from Private to Commerical Uses?
Corporate logic in the airline industry creates a series of links between competition, market expansion, advertising, heightened passenger expectations about rights to display and company demands for acting. Cabin were your own living room
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What is McDowell's key message in Capital Culture: Gender at work in the city?
The 1990’s saw an exciting explosion of feminist influenced work on organisations, occupational gender segregation, power and sexuality, the social construction of femininity and masculinity at work.
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What is not a key feature of Goss' The magic of the mall?
Nostalgia we experience for authenticity, commerce and carnival lies precisely in the loss of our ability to collectively create meaning by occupying and using social spaces for ourselves.
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What is Lowe and Wrigleys key idea in Towards the new retail geography?
Retailing can no longer be treated as being only indirectly associated with the 'real' world of production, but rather at the 'leading edge' of new developments within labour practices and the social relations of production
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What is the key message of Shields in Social spatialization and the built environment?
The Mall as an institutionalized space of representation and representation of space and the polite docility of practice it demands; and the contrasting erratic, conflicting usages and intentions of its users
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Which is not a community covered by Meijering in Intentional Communities in Rural Spaces?
Formal communities
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What was the key concept of North's, Scaling Alternative economic practices?
In Argentina, the currency was not localised, and the range of goods and services available was so significant that it enabled millions to survive an acute financial crisis.
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What is Holloways key idea in Make believe: spiritual practice, embodiment and sacred places?
Profane spatialities and temporalities are reconfigured into sacred topologies and how these seekers realise spiritual enlightenment through a reinhabited appropriation or articulation of the world
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What is Hopkins key idea in Youthful masculinities: gender and generational relations?
There is evidence of two main discourses about the masculinities of young Muslim men – one that emphasizes patriarchy and aggression, the other effeminacy and academicism – and together they offer polarized perspectives of young Muslim men's masculin
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does Johnson (1995) not cover in Cast in stone: monuments, geography and nationalism?
Race and monuments
Card 3
Which concept does Woodward (2013) not include in Military landscapes: Angendas and approached for future research?

Card 4
What is Hudsons main argument in The New Geography and The New Imperialism?

Card 5
What is Wainwright's main idea in A remarkable disconnect; on violence, military research and the AAG?

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