Experiments in Sociology 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: NatwallaceCreated on: 05-06-18 08:47 What are the three main types of experiments Laboratory, Field, Comparative method 1 of 6 Outline what a laboratory experiment is An experiment that takes place in artificially created and controlled environment like a lab 2 of 6 Outline what a field experiment is An experiment that takes place in a real life situation like a hospital or school 3 of 6 What is the comparative method When two or more similar societies/groups are compared to look for correlations 4 of 6 What do experiments aim to do? They aim to measure the independent variables effect on the dependant variable 5 of 6 What are the key features of an experiment? Control over variables, precise measurement and establishing cause and effect relationships 6 of 6
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