Everything Loads of questions on the course, not in topics 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationFitness & trainingGCSEAQA Created by: Elliewelly09Created on: 19-01-14 13:28 What are the disadvantages of circuit training? Can take time to arrange and often requires a lot of equipment 1 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your static strength? Hand Grip Dynamometer Test 2 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your explosive strength? Vertical Jump Test 3 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your speed? 30m Sprint Test 4 of 12 What fiitness test would be used to improve your power? Standing Broad Jump Test 5 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your CV endurance and stamina? Multi-stage Fitness Test 6 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your muscular endurance and stamina? Abnominal Curl-up Test 7 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your flexibility and suppleness? Sit and Reach Test 8 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your agility? Illnois Agility Test 9 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your balance? Stork Stand Test 10 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your coordination? Alternate Hand Ball Throw 11 of 12 What fitness test would be used to improve your reaction time? Ruler Drop Test 12 of 12
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