Events leading to the loss of Normandy 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryRichard and JohnGCSEEdexcel Created by: Holly0604Created on: 24-02-18 17:36 What happened in 1199? John became king and within five years he had lost Normandy to Philip 1 of 16 What happened when John married Isabelle of Angouleme? Provided Philip with an excuse to attack 2 of 16 Isabelle was betrothed to John's vassal. What happened? He complained and suggested that they choose champions to fight with the winner marrying Isabelle 3 of 16 What happened in 1200? John acknowledged Philip as his overlord 4 of 16 What does this mean for Philip? He can accuse John of being a disobedient vassal 5 of 16 John was summoned to court in Paris, however...? He refused to attend 6 of 16 What did Philip do after this? Declared all of John's land forfeit and accepted Arthur's homage for the Angevin territories 7 of 16 What did the French see Arthur as? The lord of the Angevin Empire 8 of 16 What did Philip claim? Normandy 9 of 16 What happened in 1202? John led a march to Mirebeau and captured Arthur 10 of 16 What happened in 1203? John murdered Arthur and returned to England 11 of 16 What did John do in England? Secured funding for a campaign in Normandy with the barons paying scutage 12 of 16 Why did John rely on the Pope? To help secure a peace treaty with Philip but Philip wasn't interested 13 of 16 What happened on the 6th March 1204? Philip took Chateau Gaillard 14 of 16 Philip was then able to do what? Take Normandy and become lord 15 of 16 Why was John called a 'soft sword'? For not being able to defend Normandy 16 of 16
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