Euthanasia - Types

Gentle and easy death
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Voluntary Euthanasia
When euthanasia is performed because the patient has asked for it. e.g. a cancer patient who asks for drugs to quicken their death.
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Involuntary Euthanasia
When euthanasia is performed without the dying person being told. e.g a coma patient.
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Passive Euthanasia
Doctors give a pain killing drug but do nothing to save the patient.
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Active Euthanasia
When doctors give the patient pain killing drugs knowing that the drugs will also kill the patient. Also known as the doctrine of double effect.
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Compulsory Euthanasia
Has to be performed because the person has a certain illness or has reached a certain age.
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Card 2


When euthanasia is performed because the patient has asked for it. e.g. a cancer patient who asks for drugs to quicken their death.


Voluntary Euthanasia

Card 3


When euthanasia is performed without the dying person being told. e.g a coma patient.


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Card 4


Doctors give a pain killing drug but do nothing to save the patient.


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Card 5


When doctors give the patient pain killing drugs knowing that the drugs will also kill the patient. Also known as the doctrine of double effect.


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