Euthanasia - should it be legalised
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- Created by: vickieboadi
- Created on: 20-02-19 19:40
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should Euthanasia be legalised, the debates on whether Euthanasia should be legal have been going on for more than 20 years, i would highlight why i think that it should no longer be a debate but a decision that a patient who is terminally ill,
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patient, their doctor and their family should make or in other words why Euthanasia should be legal,During the last 100 years, medicine has advanced incredibly; humanity has learned to treat diseases that have killed thousands of people throughout
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centuries. However, there still are many sicknesses that not only cannot be cured at present, but also cause incredible suffering to people who have them. Patients with such diseases might want to ask for euthanasia, as life can be torturous for them
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before i go any further, what is Euthanasia and how is it carried out, The word euthanasia, originated in Greece means a good death, it is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable death, it can be conducted in a number of ways
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through giving the patient a lethal dose of a drug that is meant to kill them, injections, withdrawing life support of even through starvation or dehydration. although there is assisted suicide which differs from Euthanasia as in assisted suicide the
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patient is not in full control as they are performing the act of suicide, this might be daunting for the patient as they not know what is going to happen and additionally the doctor might be scared as they are not are not the ones who are perming the
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act so they also have no control over what might happen, although Euthanasia is not legal anywhere PAS legal in Washington Oregon California Hawaii (2019) Colorado Vermont Montana Netherlands Colombia Germany Japan Switzerland Canada Luxemb
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Furthermore, a case that stood out to me surrounding the topic of Euthanasia was the case of doctor Cox in 1992, English consultant rheumatologist and one of the few doctors in Britain to have been charged with attempted murder.
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n 1992 he was convicted of the attempted murder of patient Lillian Boyes, and received a suspended sentence. lilian had the worst case of rheumatoid arthritis, she begged Dr Cox to end her life so he gave her a lethal dose of potassium chloride out
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he was charged with attempted murder - when he was court the judge ave his statement and i would like to point out one sentence which stood out to me neither the express wishes of the patient nor her loving and devoted family can affect the position“
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13,000, 3 times in the last 100 in house of lords
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Assisted suicide is sometimes called physician-assisted suicide (PAS). PAS means a doctor knowingly helps someone end their life,With euthanasia, a doctor is allowed to end the person’s life by painless means. For example, an injection of a lethal dr
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active euthanasia. Purposely giving someone a lethal dose of a sedative is considered active euthanasia.Passive euthanasia is sometimes described as withholding or limiting life-sustaining treatments so that a person passes more quickly. A doctor may
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The person must give their full consent and demonstrate that they fully understand what will happen.Nonvoluntary euthanasia involves someone else making the decision to end someone’s life. A close family member usually makes the decision
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death with dignity - degrading that they cannot do anything, makes the in control of their life family knows what to do, freedom of choice - gives them peace and hope
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to end this presentation i would like to show you this photo, this is a photo of a man named Tony Nicklinson, who is 58 and suffered from locked-in-syndrome from stroke in 2012 his wife Jane took his case to court form this the three judges to rule
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to rule that if, and when, he decides he wants to die, a doctor will be immune from prosecution if they help him.- he died august 20th 2012 after he lost his court case of starvation,Dr Doris said: ‘Death is more normal than to stay alive in this con
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patient, their doctor and their family should make or in other words why Euthanasia should be legal,During the last 100 years, medicine has advanced incredibly; humanity has learned to treat diseases that have killed thousands of people throughout
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