ethnicity and educational achievement
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- Created by: amymarshallxoxo
- Created on: 10-06-17 14:07
ethnic groups?
these are groups within a population regarded by themselves or others as culturally distinctive, they usually see themselves as having a common origin.ethnicity may be linked to religion, nationality and other aspects of culture-language & lifestyle.
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the uk has a number of distinctive ethnic groups. the largest is those of south asian and african caribbean organ. Chinese and Irish can be regarded as an ethnic minority.
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achievement in ethnic groups?
there is signifiant differences in educational achievement in ethnic groups although the achievement gap between some s=groupshas seen narrowing. there are also differences in achievement between males and females within the group.
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ethnic differences in achievement? highest
measure achievement by looking at the amount of pupils gaining 5 gcses a*-c. in 2014: Chinese had the highest achieving this level (80.1% of girls and 70% of boys) followed by asians (64.9%).
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ethnic differences in achievement? lowest
lowest levels of attainment were among black pupils (58%), while 60.4% of white pupils achieved this standard.
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changes over time?
in 1992 white brits were more than twice as likely as Bangladeshis to achieve 5 or more gases but by 2006 Bangladeshis had overtaken them. by 2001-2 all minority ethnic groups had higher participation rates in higher education than white brits in uk
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social class, ethnicity and achievement?
most minority ethnic groups are more likely to have working class jobs than white british people. since class has a major impact on levels of achievement, this explains underachievement by members of some groups.
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haralambos and Holborn (2013)
government statistics suggest that class differences when comparing pupils eligible for free school meals and the who are not are greater among the white british pupils than other ethnic groups.
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modood (2004)?
argues that some ethnic minority pupils have higher levels of cultural capital, despite often being from a working class background. for example many indians and east afician asians originate from WC backgrounds even though they have MC jobs.
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cultural factors ethnicity and achievement?
differences in educational achievement could also be the result of cultural factors such as the educational qualifications of parents and parental knowledge of and interest in the education system.
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strand(2007): ethnicity and achievement in secondary education?
compared the progress of indian , african caribbean and white british pupil in the first 4 years of secondary school. strand found that indian children made more progress than white brits but african caribbean fell further behind.
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why indian pupils succeed?
due to cultural and material factors such as: high aspirations and dedication to homework. low levels of truancy and exclusion an good resource provision at home (IT and tuition)
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why afro caribbean where held back?
by material factors such as: high levels of poverty. living in poor accommodation. attending schools in deprived areas.
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family life, masculinity and underachievement?
tony sewell (1997) claims that factors outside school explain the low achievement of many african caribbean boys he argues: a high proportion are raised in a lone parent family, headed by women, therefore they lack a positive adult male role model.
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family life, masculinity and underachievement?p2
this makes them vulnerable to peer pressure. they are more likely to be in gangs which emphasise macho masculinity. gang culture compensates for a sense of rejection by fathers and the experience of racism. anti school subculture-> street culture
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racism in educational underachievement?
racism can defined as negative beliefs or discriminatory behaviour directed at individuals or groups as a result of their 'race' or ethnicity
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institutional racism?
it has been defined as the collective failure of a organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour culture or ethnic origin (macpherson 1999) sociologists believe under achievement is due to racism.
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bernard Coard (1971)?
claimed that there was systematic racism in british education, with teachers having low expectations of black pupil, a curriculum that ignored black history and culture and schools that tolerated casual racism in the playground.
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wright: racism in primary schools?
conducted an ethnographic study of four multi-racial primary schools using observation and interviews with teachers. she found discrimination by teachers.
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wright: racism in primary schools?p2
she found asian girls got less attention from teachers than other pupils and their customs and traditions were sometimes met with hostility. afro caribbean boy got plenty of attention from teachers but nearly all the time it was negative-expectations
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gillborn & Youdell: rationing education?
used documents evidence about local education authorities, lesson observations nd interviews with pupil and teachers in 2 london comprehensive schools. they found evidence that some local authorities were poor at educating ethnic minorities.
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educational triage?
this was found in which education was rationed. extra help was directed to pupils who were borderline gaining targets. most black pupils were seen as having little chance of achieving this and so were not given extra help.
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educational triage? p2
compared with white pupils with similar levels of achievement, black pupils were placed in lower sets and entered for lower exam tiers.
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racism and the curriculum?
some sociologists argue the curriculum neglects both ethnic minority culture and topics of specific interest to minorities. Tickle found afro caribbean pupils felt their culture was invisible in the curriculum
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
the uk has a number of distinctive ethnic groups. the largest is those of south asian and african caribbean organ. Chinese and Irish can be regarded as an ethnic minority.
Card 3
achievement in ethnic groups?
Card 4
ethnic differences in achievement? highest
Card 5
ethnic differences in achievement? lowest
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