Ethics; Environmental and Business 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesEthicsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Jade FullickCreated on: 25-03-15 23:43 Anthropocentric An approach to the environment that places human interests above those of any other species. 1 of 16 Biocentric Considers the biological nature and diversity of the Earth to be of supreme importance. 2 of 16 Biodiversity The variety of living things on Earth. 3 of 16 Conservation Ethics The ethics of the use, allocation, protection and exploitation of the natural world. 4 of 16 Deep Ecology Sees all life forms as of value, human life part of the biosphere; rejects anthropomorphism. 5 of 16 Dominion Judaeo-Christain idea; humans have responsibility for the natural world. 6 of 16 Ecosophy Refers to philosophies which have a ecocentric or biocentric perspective, such as deep ecology - 'ecological philosophy' 7 of 16 Gaia Hypothesis Theory of James Lovelock, everything is part of a living whole; 'g' 8 of 16 Geocentric Considers the geological nature and diversity of the Earth to be most important. 9 of 16 Holistic Approaches that considers a range of factors; including importance of balance within the ecosystem. 10 of 16 Intrinsic Value Something's value lies in itself. 11 of 16 Instrumental Value Something's value lies in its usefulness in others. 12 of 16 Sentience The ability to feel pleasure and pain. 13 of 16 Shallow Ecology The earth is cared for to make conditions better for humans. 14 of 16 Stewardship Sees humans as caretakers of the natural world. 15 of 16 Corporate Social Responsibility The moral responsibility of a company to the wider community. 16 of 16
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