Name and explain 3 important women from the Bible:
Eve - first female, Queen of Sheba - a ruler who traveled to see King Soloman, Delilah - the wife of Samson who captured him by cutting his hair
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What happens in the first and second creation story? (with quote)
First - male and female are created equaly 'male and female he created them', second - men were created first and women were made as a companion for men
2 of 24
Roman Catholic view on female ministers etc:
Do not allow - only male disciples and during the celebration of the Eucharist at mass, the priest represents Jesus
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Anglican view on women in the church?
Do allow priests but debating about bishops
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Define Nuptial mass and what faith practices it?
A special Eucharist celebrated at a wedding, Roman Catholics
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Quote Jesus said about marriage also, what happens in Mark 10:6-9?
'What God has joined together, let man not seperate' and Jesus states that divorce is wrong
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Roman Catholic and Orthodox view of importance of marriage
It is a sacrament
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How important is marriage to Protestants
Not very - it is not a sacrament
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Who is Onan
An Old Testament figure who is condemned by God for 'spilling his seed on the ground'
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What happens in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10?
Paul condemns homosexuality
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What do Quakers feel about homosexuality?
They totally accept it and support gay couples
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What do Methodists deel about homosexuality?
They accept a person as being homosexual they would condemn them for 'acting on homosexual instincts'
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Define economy:
An act which is done out of the concern for others
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What does Moses say about divorce?
Divorce was permitted if a man found out something indicent about his wife
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What doe the Roman Catholic church say about divorce?
Accepts it but a sacrament cannot be undone and if they have a sexual relationship with or get married to another person they cannot take communion
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What does the Orthodox Church say about divorce?
You can get married a second or third time because of the concern for the spiritual well-being of the person
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Define celibate
To abstain from sexual activity
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Define fornication
Sex outside of marriage
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What happens in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20?
Paul says that the body is a temple and that casual sex is wrong
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Christian view on sexual relationships:
Adultery, fornication and homosexuality is (nearly always) wrong
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Define contraception:
The prevention of pregnancy using certain methods
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What happens in Genesis 1:26-27?
God makes man in his own image
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What does the Anglican church believe abput contraception?
Parents should choose how many children they have because they are influenced by God's conscience
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Roman Catholic view on contraception:
It is wrong to prevent it as conception is a natural outcome of sexual intercourse
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What happens in the first and second creation story? (with quote)
First - male and female are created equaly 'male and female he created them', second - men were created first and women were made as a companion for men
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