Ethics, religious studies key terms
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- Created by: annahopcroft0
- Created on: 18-03-17 16:20
It is a study of the framework of guiding principles that direct an action
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Term used to describe ethical behavious
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An ethical system that believes there exists a standard of right and wrong that is fully and totally binding on all human beings
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A theory that is independent of personal view
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An ethical system that believes there is no absolute right or wrong
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A theory that is dependant on a personal view
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An ethical theory based on considering consequences.
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Meaning Virtue
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The character of a person
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Defines the end purpose of human life to be happiness, flourishing or fulfilment.
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Persons manner or behaviour
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Blessing given by Jesus for certain personal virtues.
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Selfless concern for the well being of others
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Ethical Egosim
The normative view that holds that all action ought to be motivated by self-interest.
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Psychological egoism
The descriptive view that all humans action is motivated by self-interest
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Ownness, the idea of mastering oneself
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Uniqueness, the freedom from all impositions leaving pure individuality
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Intolerance and narrow-mindedness
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Community ethos
The character or spirit of a community
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The art of applying key principles to an ethical case
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Pure, unconditional love
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Beatific Vision
State of perfect happiness through supernatural union with God.
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Apparent good
A vice or sin that takes us further away from the ideal human nature that god has planned for us
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External act
An action that is seen to be good or bad, but doesnt have the right intention behind it
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Internal act
An action that is consistent with intention
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Real Good
A characteristic that will help people to become closer to the ideal human nature that God has planned for us.
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Awareness of self
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The point when the soul enters the body
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Supporting womens rights to have abortions
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Against abortion
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A gentle or easy death.
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Theory of ethics that does not recognise the authority of but promotes freedom from external rules.
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An approach to ethics that accepts the absolute nature of established rules or principles
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Situation ethics
A relativist theory of ethics made famous by Joseph Fletcher
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A philosophy that proposes the individual is free and responsible to determine their own development.
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Hebrew word that describes the exclusive kind of love in a particular relationship
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Hebrew word for love that is seen to be similar to the idea of agape
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Meaning to empty or make oneself completely receptive to soemthing
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Wolfenden report
A government initial programme to explore the problems of prostitution and homosexuality.
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Having a loving relationship with more then one individual with the knowledge and consent of all partners
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Greatest happiness principle
A calculation used in utilitarian theory to assess the best course action to take
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An ethical theory that maintains that ana ction is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
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An ethical theory that defines what is right in terms of pleasure
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Principle of Utility
An action is right if it promotes and maximises happiness
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Act utilitarianism
This is associated with Bentham that treats each moral situation as unique and applies the hendonic calculus to each act to see if it fulfills the principle of utility. Any action is right as long as it produces the greatest happiness for the greates
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People should make moral judgements based on the outcome or the consequence of an action
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There are no universal moral norms or rules and that each situation has to be looked at independently because each situation is different
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Rule utilitarianism
They believe that by using the principle of of utility, you can draw up general rules based on past experiences.
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Strong rule utilitarianism
They believe that any rules formulated and established through the application of the principle of utility should never be broken as they guarantee happiness for society
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Weal rule utilitarianism
That to break a rule may be the right cause of action if it is more likely to fulfil the principle of utility then keeping the rule
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The practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research.
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Animal Aid
A charity that promotes animal welfare and argues against the use of animals for medical research
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Atomic Bomb
A bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of nuclear energy
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Term used to describe ethical behavious
Card 3
An ethical system that believes there exists a standard of right and wrong that is fully and totally binding on all human beings

Card 4
A theory that is independent of personal view

Card 5
An ethical system that believes there is no absolute right or wrong

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