The debates that arise when the NATURE of ethics is considered
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What is normative ethics?
The debates that arise when ethical THEORIES are considered
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What is applied ethics?
The debates that arise when ethical ISSUES are considered
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What is the Divine Command Theory?
God has established eternal, objective principles of morality. What God says is "good" is good and right and wrong, based on God's will and commnd
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What is the Euthyphro argument?
By Plato. He said that what is holy is what all of the Gd's approve of, and what ll of the God's disapprove of is unholy
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What is Socrates argument?
Is God commanding things because they are good in themselves, or are things good because God commands and approves of them?
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What are some issues with the divine command theory?
We believe that God commands things bc they are good, implying a standard of goodness independent of God, raising questions about his omnipotence
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How are the issues with the Divine Command theory answered?
A requirement of the divine command theory is accepting of God's omnipotence
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What is an example of the Divine Command Theory?
The 10 commandments
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How is the Divine command theory meta-ethical?
The NATURE of our behaviour is because of God. This is because we believe in him
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What is the modified divine command theory?
Focuses on God's omnibenevolence rather than omnipotence, when god commands something it is showing his character as he knows more than us and that it will ultimately do good
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How is the modified divine command theory meta-ethical?
The NATURE of our behaviour is because of God. This is because we believe in him
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What are the issues of the Modified divine command theory?
If God were to tell us to do something that is the opposite of what we believe to be right do we still do it?
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How are the issues of the modified divine command theory solved?
God decides what is good an bad, even if it seems bad, God knows the overall plan and so he is omnibenevolent?
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What does absolutist mean?
An ethical system that believes there exists a standard of right and wrong that is fully and totally binding on all human beings
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what does relativist mean?
An ethical system that believes there is no absolutest right or wrong
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What does subjective mean?
A theory that is dependent on a personal view
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What does objective mean?
A theory which is independent of personal view
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What does consequentialism mean?
An ethical theory based on considering consequences
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What does deontological mean?
A theory which explores obligation or duty
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What does teleological mean?
A theory concerned with the end goal of action
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What are the challenges to the euthyphro argument?
Is it morally orbitrary if it is down to the command of a divine being? If God decides what is good then does this suggest God does this because they are right and good independent of God.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is normative ethics?
The debates that arise when ethical THEORIES are considered
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