Equity and Trust- Cases

  • Created by: wiktoria
  • Created on: 31-12-23 18:58
IRC v Oldham
benefit must be directly related to the charity's aims
1 of 16
Tax v Pemsel
charity 4 heads
2 of 16
RE Culthurst
does not have to show pb, if even a small amount of people will satisfy the poverty head for public benefit
3 of 16
Bowman v Secular Society
political purpose trust will always fail
4 of 16
Re Wright
Cy-pres is automatic, subsequent a failure of the intention
5 of 16
Re Denley
purpose trust with ascertainable human beneficiaries
6 of 16
Re lipinski
gift to unincorporated associations, purpose is valid if the members are the beneficiaries of the purpose
7 of 16
District Auditor ex parte West Yorkshire
purpose trust might fail if class of beneficiaries scope is too wide
8 of 16
pettinghal v pettinghal
maintenance of pets
9 of 16
Mirford v Reynolds
monument erection
10 of 16
Bourne v Keane
saying masses for the dead, no longer than 21 years
11 of 16
Cf.Hopkins (1965)
research into the Bacon-Shakespeare manuscripts.
12 of 16
Gilmour v Coats
advancement of religion is good for public benefit
13 of 16
Re Gwyon
charitable trust must be exclusively charitable- any profits go to its purpose.
14 of 16
Re Oppenheim
nexus between settlor and beneficiaries, will make the trust private in nature
15 of 16
Brown v Burnett
must not be wasteful or useless
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Tax v Pemsel


charity 4 heads

Card 3


RE Culthurst


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Bowman v Secular Society


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Re Wright


Preview of the front of card 5
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