ENVS4 key terms

A chemical that is used to kill pest species
1 of 54
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations
2 of 54
An organism that produces nutrients via photosynthesis
3 of 54
The sequence of organisms based on their feeding relationships
Food chain
4 of 54
The position of an organism in the food chain
Trophic level
5 of 54
An animal that eats only plant material
6 of 54
The stomach chamber that contains bacteria which can digest cellulose in a ruminant organism
7 of 54
An organism that gains nutrients from other heterotrophs
8 of 54
An organism that eats both plants and animals
9 of 54
All the organisms, processes and interactions in a farming system
10 of 54
Producing offspring from specific parents to increase desirable traits or decrease undesirable traits
Selective breeding
11 of 54
The method of altering an organisms genetic code by artificially introducing genes from another organism
Genetic modification
12 of 54
A factor that can reduce the rate of reaction when in insufficient concentrations
Limiting factor
13 of 54
Living organisms
14 of 54
The loss of water from leaves as well as from other surfaces
15 of 54
Sunlight landing on a surface
16 of 54
The 3D shape of the land
17 of 54
The direction something faces in relation to sunlight
18 of 54
A farmer that rents the land from the owner
Tenant farmer
19 of 54
A limit on the quantity of a substance
20 of 54
A variety of selectively bred organism where all members almost genetically identical and produce similar offspring
True breeding
21 of 54
Naturally producing genetically identical offspring from a single parent
Asexual reproduction
22 of 54
Asexual reproduction in plants
Vegetative propogation
23 of 54
An artificial form of asexual reproduction
24 of 54
Producing offspring from two distinctly different subspecies
25 of 54
Good health achieved by breeding between distantly related breeds to reduce the chance of genetic disorders
Hybrid vigour
26 of 54
Good health achieved by breeding two distantly related organisms to reduce genetic disorders
27 of 54
The changes in agriculture since the mid 20th century to increase yield
Green revolution
28 of 54
Alternative name for genetic modification
Genetic engineering
29 of 54
The process of artificially transferring genetic material from one organism into another, usually another species
30 of 54
The transfer of genes between organisms without normal breeding taking place
Horizontal gene transfer
31 of 54
A group of plant hormones that increases cell elongation to control growth
32 of 54
A group of plant hormones that stimulate germination and flowering
33 of 54
Chemical that stimulates fruit ripening
34 of 54
An animal hormone used to stimulate milk production
Bovine somatropin
35 of 54
A hormone used to increase gross growth efficiency in livestock
36 of 54
A pest that is normally present
Endemic pest
37 of 54
A pest that becomes a serious problem with sporadic population increase
Epidemic pest
38 of 54
The growth of a single crop type
39 of 54
A substance that is absorbed and transported in plant sap
40 of 54
Persistent insecticide group including dieldrin that is mostly banned
41 of 54
A micro-organism that is carried by animals but can transfer to humans and cause disease
42 of 54
The practice of growing different crops in a field on a cycle
Crop rotation
43 of 54
Material added to the soil to reduce weed growth
44 of 54
A chemical released by an organism that changes the behaviour of other organisms
45 of 54
The product of decomposition that builds up to help form soil
46 of 54
A plant nutrient needed in large quantities
47 of 54
A plant nutrient needed in small quantities
48 of 54
Agriculture where the maximum total yield is obtained by spreading production over a large area, usually with low inputs
Extensive agriculture
49 of 54
Agriculture where high yields are obtained from small areas with large inputs
Intensive agriculture
50 of 54
Cultivation where the soil is turned over
51 of 54
A US scheme to provide food aid to Europe post WW||
Marshall plan
52 of 54
Farmland that is taken out of production but maintained for farming
Set aside
53 of 54
A scheme where farmers could get grants for farming practices that benefited the environment or improved public amenity
Countryside stewardship scheme
54 of 54

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations



Card 3


An organism that produces nutrients via photosynthesis


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The sequence of organisms based on their feeding relationships


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The position of an organism in the food chain


Preview of the front of card 5
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