State the names and percentages of the four main gases in our atmosphere.
Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, Argon 0.9%, small proportions of other gases (accept carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases).
1 of 12
Why does the Earth's atmosphere contain oxygen but other planets in our solar system do not?
Earth is the only planet where photosynthesis takes place.
2 of 12
Name two products that can be produced in the burning of fossil fuels and their impacts on the environment.
Carbon dioxide: contributes to global warming. Sulfur dioxide: Leads to acid rain
3 of 12
Recall two problems caused by acid rain.
It can kill aquatic organisms in lakes or streams. It can damage limestone buildings.
4 of 12
How does increasing temperature affect the solubility of a gas and what effect does this have on the Earth's oceans?
The solubility of a gas decreases with increasing temperature. This is the reason why the Earth's oceans are losing their ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the Earth's atmosphere.
5 of 12
Define thermal decomposition.
A reaction in which a substance is broken down into at least two other substances by heating.
6 of 12
What gas is often produced in the thermal decomposition of a carbonate?
Carbon dioxide.
7 of 12
Metal oxides are usually...
8 of 12
Non-metal oxides are usually...
9 of 12
Recall the definition of carbon footprint.
The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, community or organisation.
10 of 12
How can a carbon footprint be reduced?
Increase the use of alternative energy supplies; energy conservation; carbon capture and storage; carbon taxes and licenses; carbon offsetting including tree planting; carbon neutrality - zero net release.
11 of 12
What are the challenges in reducing a carbon footprint?
Scientific disagreement over causes and consequences of global warming and climate change; lack of public information and education; lifestyle changes; economic considerations; incomplete international co-operation.
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why does the Earth's atmosphere contain oxygen but other planets in our solar system do not?
Earth is the only planet where photosynthesis takes place.
Card 3
Name two products that can be produced in the burning of fossil fuels and their impacts on the environment.
Card 4
Recall two problems caused by acid rain.
Card 5
How does increasing temperature affect the solubility of a gas and what effect does this have on the Earth's oceans?
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