Which geological period is Blackbrook, Maplewood and S.Charnwood Diorite from?
6 of 12
How many Ma was Triassic Period from?
205-250 Ma
7 of 12
What is a Wadis?
Desert Valley
8 of 12
What type of rock lies above the unconformity?
Mercia Mudstone
9 of 12
What type of family do these Fossils belong to Charnia Masoni + Charniodiscus Concentricus
Ediacaran fossils
10 of 12
Define geoheritage
Components of geodiversity that are important to humans for purposes other than resource exploitation; things we would wish to retain for present and future generations (Eberhard, 1997)
11 of 12
What 3 processes are associated with sedimentary ones?
Erosion, Transportation and Deposition
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Values of geodiversity
Aesthetic, cultural, economic, health, research and education
Card 3
What are the human threats to geodiversity
Card 4
What are the national/regional geoconservation strategies?
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