English Love Poems & Kings and Queens Good for context. 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureLove through the agesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: blckgglCreated on: 24-12-16 14:38 Wyatt - Who so list to hount I knowe where is an hynde Henry VIII 1 of 13 Shakespeare - Sonnet 116 James I 2 of 13 Donne - The Flea James I 3 of 13 Marvell - To His Coy Mistress Oliver Cromwell 4 of 13 Lovelace - The Scrutiny Charles I 5 of 13 Rochester - A Song (Absent from thee) Charles II 6 of 13 Blake - The Garden of Love George III 7 of 13 Burns - Song (Ae Fond Kiss) George III 8 of 13 Byron - She Walks in Beauty George III 9 of 13 Rossetti - Remember Victoria 10 of 13 Hardy - The Ruined Maid/At an Inn Victoria 11 of 13 Keats - La Belle Dame sans Merci George III 12 of 13 Dowson - Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regni Cyarae Victoria 13 of 13
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