English Key Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? English Language & LiteratureTerminologyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: oliviamacleanCreated on: 06-06-18 11:07 Abstract Noun Idea/concept/state of being or belief 1 of 35 Verb 'Doing word' 2 of 35 Active/Dynamic Verb Represents physical action 3 of 35 Stative Verb Represents mental process 4 of 35 Transitive Verb Action verb with a direct object 5 of 35 Intransitive Verb Action with no direct object 6 of 35 Definite Article The 7 of 35 Indefinite Article A or An 8 of 35 Monosyllabic Lexis Words with one syllable 9 of 35 Polysyllabic Lexis Words with two or more syllables 10 of 35 Imperative sentence mood Issuing a command 11 of 35 Declarative Sentence Making a statement 12 of 35 Interrogative Sentence Mood Asking a question 13 of 35 Exclamatory Sentence Conveys strong sense of emotion/sense of alarm/ strong emphasis 14 of 35 Tenor Tone/relationship between author and reader + how its created 15 of 35 Colloquialism Informal language 16 of 35 Syntax Way words form sentences 17 of 35 Parenthesis Aside within a text created by sectioning off extra info 18 of 35 Hypophora When a rhetorical question is immediately followed by an answer 19 of 35 Litotes Deliberate downplaying of things for effect 20 of 35 Tricolon Grouping in threes either through repetition or structures 21 of 35 Pre-modification Where descriptive words come before thing they are describing 22 of 35 Post-Modification Descriptive words come after thing they are describing 23 of 35 Synedoche A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole 24 of 35 Allusion To refer to something indirectly of metaphorically 25 of 35 Asyndetic listing Act of leaving out one or more of the usual conjunctions between sentence elements. The sentence “I gave her food, shelter, clothing” 26 of 35 Syndetic listing List with and in "I gave her food and water and shelter" 27 of 35 Asyndetic listing Act of leaving out one or more of the usual conjunctions between sentence elements. The sentence “I gave her food, shelter, clothing” 28 of 35 Syndetic listing list with and in "I gave her food and water and shelter" 29 of 35 Asyndetic listing Act of leaving out one or more of the usual conjunctions between sentence elements. The sentence “I gave her food, shelter, clothing” 30 of 35 Syndetic listing List with and in "I gave her food and water and shelter" 31 of 35 Alliteration Plosive = p + b - Dental = d +t - Guttural = g + r + c - Fricative = f + ph+ v - Assonance = Vowel Sounds 32 of 35 Deixis Temporal/Spatial/personal 33 of 35 Sociolect Vocabulary of a particular social group 34 of 35 Idiolect Speech patterns of an individual 35 of 35
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