English Civil War (part 2/5) 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryPersonal Rule and its failureA2/A-levelOCR Created by: C.I.ACreated on: 22-04-18 15:06 What significant event happened in parliament on March 10th 1629 The speaker was held in his chair by radicals while they attempted to pass motions against the king 1 of 10 What was the key source of Charles income? and what happened with it in 1635? Ship money, in 1635 this was extended from coastline areas to the national level where it continued to 1640. 2 of 10 When did the case of John Hampden take place? and why was he on trial 1637 and because he was questioning the legality of ship money 3 of 10 Who became arch bishop in 1633 William laud 4 of 10 What did laud firmly believe in? Unity through Uniformity "beauty of holiness" 5 of 10 What methods did Laud use to ensure holiness? wearing of vestments, use of music, candles and alter clothes and the introduction of the Laudian prayer book in 1637 6 of 10 How was conformity in church achieved? through church visitations from bishops bringing non conformists to church courts 7 of 10 What infamous court was Laud in charge of and what did he do to William Prynee The star chamber, He had williams ears cut of and cheeks branded with the word S&L for slander and laible after opposing charles 8 of 10 In 1637 Charles decided to impose the Laudian prayer book on presbyterian scotland resulting in? widespread rioting and many nobels and clergy searing to resist changes to the scotish kirk. 9 of 10 The Bishop wars soon broke out in Scotland but Charles struggled to afford them as... he had insufficient funds and couldn't afford the wars. 10 of 10
Edexcel A level history option 1C, Britain 1625-1701: conflict, revolution and settlement. Economy, trade and empire 5.0 / 5 based on 10 ratings
Edexcel A level history option 1C, Britain 1625-1701: conflict, revolution and settlement. Social and intellectual challenge 5.0 / 5 based on 7 ratings
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