Edward first, then Mary, then Elizabeth and to Frances Grey if all died. Mary Queen of Scots was excluded from the succession.
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What actually happened?
Power struggle, Somerset took charge, regency council formed till Edward 18, rewarded with lands and titles
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What was Parliament like?
Power of the monarch based on parliament, had to approve proposals and laws before passed, monarch could disband laws but had to be confirmed, making war/peace was royal perogative
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What was the Privy Council like?
Day to day administration, selected for loyalty, supported by staff from gentry, lawyers and clergy, Welsh and Scottish borders most rebellious
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What was Local Government like?
Maintain order, administer justice, collect taxes, raise troops, follow orders. If local family didnt like government orders not followed
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Card 2
What actually happened?
Power struggle, Somerset took charge, regency council formed till Edward 18, rewarded with lands and titles
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