Energy Systems Energy systems and their characteristics 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationExercise physiologyA2/A-levelOCR Created by: KirstyTittertonCreated on: 15-12-16 11:51 Time lasting: 3-4 seconds Alactic system 1 of 12 ATP produced: 36 ATP (net) Aerobic System 2 of 12 ATP Produced: 1 ATP Alactic system 3 of 12 Time lasting: 2-3 minutes Lactic system 4 of 12 Type of Activity: Anearobic, high intenisty Alactic System 5 of 12 ATP produced: 2 ATP Lactic system 6 of 12 Limiting factor: Limited glycogen store Aerobic system 7 of 12 Limiting factor: Phospho-creatine levels Alactic System 8 of 12 Type of activity: Moderate exercise Aerobic system 9 of 12 Type of activity: High- moderate exercise Aerobic system 10 of 12 Limiting factor: Lactic Acid Lactic system 11 of 12 Time lasting: Hours Aerobic system 12 of 12