Energy stores and systems 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsEnergyGCSEAQA Created by: Andrea12345Created on: 11-08-20 13:11 Energy is _______between different enegy stores transferred 1 of 14 Internal Energy stores are also known as Thermal 2 of 14 Energy is transferred __________ (by a force doing work) mechanically 3 of 14 when a system _________ (energy is transferred) changes 4 of 14 _______ systems are systems where neither matter not energy can leave . Closed 5 of 14 Energy is transferred ________ (work done by moving charges) electically 6 of 14 Energy is transferred by heating or radiation e.g ______ light or sound 7 of 14 Energy Stored in substances Chemical 8 of 14 Energy Stored in whatever moves kinetic 9 of 14 When an object is squashed or stretched Elastic 10 of 14 The higher up the more energy Gravitational 11 of 14 The energy is stored when magnets repel Magnetic 12 of 14 Between charged objects Electrostatic 13 of 14 Energy is stored in the neuclei of an atom Nuclear 14 of 14
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