Energy 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsEnergyGCSEAQA Created by: Charlotte_03Created on: 12-11-17 16:27 When is conduction used in solids 1 of 10 When is convection used in liquids and gases 2 of 10 What are the best conductors of heat metals 3 of 10 How can heat be transferred through conduction,convection and radiation 4 of 10 What is infared radiation how you transfer heat 5 of 10 What is specific heat capacity the amount of energy used to raise 1kg by 1 degree 6 of 10 What is waters specific heat capacity 4200 j/kgc" 7 of 10 What absorbs radiation better matte or shiny objects matte objects 8 of 10 what is the main form of heat capacity through solids conduction 9 of 10 what is heat radiation the transfer of heat energy by infared radiation 10 of 10
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