Employee relations week 3
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- Created by: jmf00632
- Created on: 03-03-20 23:32
collective bargaining
When the employer ‘…meets with a collective will, and settles, in a single agreement, the principles on which, for the time being, all workmen of a particular group, or class, or grade, will be engaged’ (Webb and Webb, 1902: 173).
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colective barganing is one of the main meathods were.....
unionised workforces and management jointly determine pay and conditions of work.
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Another theorist definition of collective bargaining (Rose 1983)
Collective bargaining is the process whereby representatives of employers and employees jointly determine and regulate decisions pertaining to both substantive and procedural matters. The outcome of this process is the collective agreement.’
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Another thoeirst Allan flanders (1965)
• Collective bargaining is the preferred method of conflict resolution in pluralistic industrial relations
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Positions on workplace relations and their views on power, conflict and collective bargaining:
Utilitarianism and pluralism
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utiliarisum definition
•Fox (1966:2) ‘team unified by a common purpose’ , for success. Whose success? • Single source of authority, i.e. management or HRM • Harmony between both parties needed • Weakness – parties have different objectives
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what does it assume?
• Assumption - that the employer is making the right decisions. (Daniels 2006)
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my definition
– collective bargianig Is carried out in a partnership way within trade unions – they seei t is as unnecessary as they feel that all our needs are the same and the the work place should be a place of harmony – they blevie that is I everynoes interest
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pluaarlism definition
• Conflict is seen as legitimate – society is full of different interests groups • Unions and managers are seen as equal – interdependent on each- both have authority • State is an “impartial servant or referee of society”
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• Procedure and polices - help settle disagreements • Collective employee representation is recognized and supported • Trade unions are seen as a positive part of the system
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my definition
need a mechanism in which conflict is resolved – they need to find a way to sort out the conflict so it does not result n a strike – the task for managers is to have a relationship with the unions so they can come to a conclusion – conflict is natura
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important terms
Multi-employer bargaining. National agreements Wide scope of agreement – depth and breadth Negotiation, not consultation
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single employer bargaining
COLLEGE LEVEL BARGAINING – THEY CARRY OUT BARGIANING AT SINGLE LEVEL e.g. exceed pay rates ofr scence teachers as they are of high demand – different unis pay lectures different wages – competition
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barganing levels
• industry level - multi-employer • company level - single employer • workplace level - single employer – Management determines the bargaining level
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barganing units
– Groups covered by collective agreement differs
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barganing scope
– Extent of bargaining issues, very limited vs fairly extensive
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barganing forms
– Formal versus informal
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the different levels of bargaining
barganing level and bargannig scope
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barganing level
• away from industry/national level towards company/local level.
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barganing scope
• management reasserted its prerogative
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collective baganing - purpose/ functions
• It is much easer to reach a collective agreement than it is to negotiate sepertley with each induvial employee • Pay point for lecturers is open to individual negotiation – this takes a lot of time but it is worth it – bargaining always works
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example and why it is efficient
• E.g. different career group in medicine and they are all bargained separately – Collective bargaining an efficient means by which labour is bought and sold in the market. – Addressing bargaining inequalities.
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governance function - collective bargaining
– Comparable to a law/rule making institution
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decision making function - collective bargaing
– Allowing workers a voice - participate work policy and practice – it is o mportant that employees are abl to have their voce heard and disput or support stuff
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other meathods of pay determination and barganing
Joint consultation/ works councils – FORMAL communication between employer and employee – structured representation that is at the local level ca also be called employee council – with a committee and negotiate on ts and cs
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another meathod - Unilateral employer regulation
increased use of varaible pay system and flexible contracts
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another meathod - joint consultation - work / councils
• Varies, formal, informal, regular daily meeting, formal consultative meetings, work councils (e.g. in EU). Can be informal, regular and daily meetings to more formal consultative meetings
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Individual/ unit level bargaining
no unions
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Walton and mckensie 1965 identified 2 types of bargaining relationships....
Distributive bargaining and integrative barganing
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distributive bargaining
• zero sum game • Threats, bluffs and counter tactics
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integrative bargaining
• ensures mutual gains in areas where parties have common interests
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integrative bargaining
more creative and associated with partnership – the loss of one side does not mean the oter loses – it is a win win situation – a focus
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why the collapse of collective barganing?
Labour and product market conditions Negotiation skill of each party Ability to coerce the other party. Proximity of settlement deadlines
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diagram - print out and look at it!
Change is related to this diagram – they al have an impact between th balance of power between employees and employers and the ability that they have to put pressure on one anothrer
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barganing power - influncng factors internal to the work place
– the fewer employees that belong to a union the less power that they have
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– the fewer employees that belong to a union the less power that they have
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influincing factors internal to work place continued
Density of unionisation (Fitzenberger, Kohn, and Lembcke, 2013) Number of unions Skill levels and technology (Doms, Dunne, and Troske, 1997) Management: successful attempts to marginalise
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Influencing factors external to workplace
Gov economic policies, e.g. wage deregulation (increasing bargaining power of management) Industrial relations and employment legislation, e.g. legislation making it to harder to strike Local labour market factors, e.g. local supply and demand of lab
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to sum it up, some things that effect barganing power are...
You don’t want to have to many unions in the workplace – as there is a chance that their views will conflict Technology and skills is important – can they be easily replaced
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growth of variable pay systems wekens barganing context...
Enhancing employer prerogative via responsiveness to local conditions. Respond to local completion Regional and geographic need plus skills shortages. Further weaken trades unions Enhance business performance. Strategically integrated.
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the effect of this......
Employers become much stronger and have a better able to respond to characteristics in the labour market – this weakens trade unions – this is a ovment away from ER and a movemet towards HRM – PRIOTISIES THE STARTEGIC DECISO THAT ARE MADE WITH indivi
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national min wage..
Labour's minimum wage policy justified by the decline of trade union membership over recent decades - what would it do to the economy if it was raised?
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
colective barganing is one of the main meathods were.....
unionised workforces and management jointly determine pay and conditions of work.
Card 3
Another theorist definition of collective bargaining (Rose 1983)
Card 4
Another thoeirst Allan flanders (1965)
Card 5
Positions on workplace relations and their views on power, conflict and collective bargaining:
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