Empirical Psychology Term One Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyEmpirical PsychologyUniversityNone Created by: PsycSaphCreated on: 21-01-19 11:54 Agression is any behaviour enacted with the intention to harm another person who is motivated to avoid that harm 1 of 15 Big data in psychology psychology research relating to micro-blogging and social networking sites 2 of 15 Empirical the pursuit of truth through observation and experience 3 of 15 Excitation-transfer theory if two arousing events occur closely in time arousal from the first will add to arousal from the second 4 of 15 Ethical considerations serious harm cannot be used as a measure of aggression in lab experiments 5 of 15 Emotion display of feelings when important things happen to us 6 of 15 Ethical guidelines a specific set of rules or guidelines that have been developed and are affected by moral role of the prevailing culture and society 7 of 15 Laboratory experiments measure short term increases in mild forms of aggression or pre-cursors 8 of 15 Lange theory physiological responses and behavioural changes and sensory feedback to brain equals emotion 9 of 15 Nuremberg code psychological guidelines following the horrors of human experimentation on people in the concentration camps in ww2 10 of 15 Proactive aggression planned/premeditated 11 of 15 Relational aggression verbally or digitally hurting another’s reputation or friendships 12 of 15 Reactive aggression in response to provocation 13 of 15 Social information processing emphasise the way perceived behaviour of others and make attribution about their motives 14 of 15 Trait anger an extreme sensitivity to provocation and increased inclination to respond with aggression 15 of 15
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