Elizabethan England Time Stamps 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryElizabethan EnglandGCSEAQA Created by: senkuCreated on: 29-01-21 14:43 1533 Queen Elizabeth was born 1 of 23 1536 Anne Boleyn, her mother, was executed 2 of 23 1547 King Henry VIII, her father, died. Her sister Mary I became Queen. 3 of 23 1554-1555 Elizabeth is imprisoned in the Tower of London, then the next year freed. 4 of 23 1558 Queen Mary I, dies and Elizabeth becomes Queen, King Phillip II of Spain gets rejected by Elizabeth 5 of 23 1564 (cultural) (cultural) William Shakespeare was born 6 of 23 1567 Mary Queen of Scotts abdicates the throne 7 of 23 1568 Mary Queen of Scotts is imprisoned after fleeing England 8 of 23 1569 The Northan Rebellion (due to Mary's imprisonment) 9 of 23 1570 Elizabeth gets excommunicated by the pope from the Catholic church. 10 of 23 1571 The Ridolfi Plot - to assassinate Queen Elizabeth 11 of 23 1572 The Duke of Norfolk is executed for treason 12 of 23 1574 (cultural) (cultural) the first theatre is opened 13 of 23 1577 (cultural) Francis Drake voyages around the world 14 of 23 1584 The bond of association 15 of 23 1585 Elizabeth chooses to protect The Nearthlands, beginning a war with Spain. 16 of 23 1586 The Babington Plot against Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scott's trial for treason 17 of 23 1587 Mary Queen of Scott's is executed 18 of 23 1588 The Spanish Armada (Spanish were defeated) 19 of 23 1597 Second Spanish Armada, again defeated 20 of 23 1599 (cultural) Globe Theatre is opened 21 of 23 1601 The Essex Rebellion 22 of 23 1603 Elizabeth's death, accession of King James I uniting Scotland and England. 23 of 23
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