Elizabeth I
3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Nancyisobel
- Created on: 12-06-18 15:43
When was the act of Supremacy and Uniformity?
1 of 71
Who did Elizabeth have arrested to make sure her religious settlement went through parliament?
Winchester and Lincoln
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What did the treaty of Cateau Cambresis in 1559 mean?
That France and Spain were at peace.
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How much did inflation on food increase during Elizabeth I's reign?
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Who were the main perpetrators of the debasement of the coinage?
Somerset and Henry VIII
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What did not increase in the first part of Elizabeth's reign?
Feudal dues and subsidies.
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How large was England's debt in 1558?
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How much did the population grow during Elizabeth's reign?
3-4 million
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When did Elizabeth conduct a recoinage?
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When was the Statute of Artificers which limited upper wage limit meaning that people found it difficult to afford goods and the there was economic hardship?
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when was money granted to a monarch from parliament for the first time ever in peace time?
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What happened to crown maintenance costs?
They were halved
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When was a surplus of £300,000 reached?
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What was focused on when trying to solve the financial problems under Winchester and William Cecil?
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How much were ward ships increased by Robert Cecil in 1599?
Four times
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When was there a short fall of £86,000?
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What period did the War with Spain happen?
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When did Elizabath send a German Mercenary force instead of an English army to the Netherlands?
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What did Elizabeth refuse to pass until 1570?
39 Articles which reflected Calvinist ideas
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What were Recusant fines increased to in 1581?
200 marks and 1 year’s imprisonment. Failure to attend church is a £20
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What was made high treason after the Ridolfi plot?
Import papal bulls
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When did Missionary Priests enter England?
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When did Jesuits enter England?
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What was the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre 1572?
French Catholics killed thousands of Protestants
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What made Jesuits different from normal Priests?
They took normal priest oaths but also a vow of complete obedience to the Pope
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Why were Jesuits in particular and Catholics in general not trusted?
Their use of equivocation (double speak)
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How many Priests were executed between 1581 and 88
At least 64
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Who was given the task of restoring England to Catholicism if the Spanish invasion succeeded?
Cardinal William Allen
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What tactic did Elizabeth employ over the Catholic threat in 1590?
Divide and Rule - Appellants vs Jesuits over who should control the mission to England.
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When did Mary Queen of Scots arrive in England?
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When was the Northern Rebellion?
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Where did Elizabeth move Mary so that she was away from the Northern Earls rebellion?
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When did Elizabeth finally execute Mary?
February 1587
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When was the Ridolfi Plot?
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When was the Throckmorton Plot?
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When was the Babington Plot?
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When was the Oxfordshire uprising?
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When was there bad harvests in the second half of Elizabeth's reign.
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How many men turned up to rebel at the Oxfordshire rising?
39 of 71
When was there a spate of enclosures?
40 of 71
When was the monopolies crisis?
41 of 71
Who had a monopoly on Sweet Wines?
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What was significant about Yellow Ford 1598
The Irish won a significant victory
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How many Spanish troops did Philip commit to sending to aid the Tyrone rebellion in 1600
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Where were Tyrone and his allies defeated? When did Tyrone surrender?
Battle of Kinsale. Surrendered 1603
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When was the first Spanish Armada
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When was the King of Spain's Beard Singed? (30 ships destroyed delayed Armada for a year)
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1597 ____ in charge of fleet to intercept third Spanish Armada. Chased treasure ships in the Azures instead leaving England defenceless
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When did the war with spain end?
1604 with the death of Both monarchs under the Treaty of London
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What did O'Neil in Ireland persuade Philip to do in 1597?
Send an Armada
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1570s Moderate Protestants under A______ favoured cautious policy ‘doves’ vs Puritans ‘hawks’ led by B_______ and _______ favoured immediate action. 1577 German mercenary army in the Netherlands.
A: Cecil B: Walsingham and Leicester
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Whose marriage did Leicester and Walsingham oppose in 1579-81?
Duke of Alencon and Elizabeth
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In 1569 who was a marriage between proposed? Supported by...
Mary Queen of Scots and the Duke of Norfolk. Supported by Leicester wishing to get rid of Cecil
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What was the Bond of Association in 1584?
That Mary Queen of Scots would be executed if there was ever threat on Elizabeth's life.
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When was finance granted to aid foreign policy with Scotland and France?
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What was granted by parliament for the first time ever in 1576?
Money in peacetime
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Who did Parliament send to the tower for offensive remarks about Elizabeth in 1576?
Puritan Peter Wentworth
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Who was barred from inheriting the throne in 1584 by an act of Parliament?
Anyone who has tried to assassinate Elizabeth
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What did Peter Turner try to pass a bill to bring in in 1584 which Parliament refused to hear?
A Calvinist prayer book and a Presbyterian system of Government
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What did the third parliament pass that Elizabeth vetoed? (Cartwirght and Turner)
a bill banning religious practices reminiscent of Catholicism
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In the Second Parliament 1563 what did Privy councillors draft?
a petition to Elizabeth calling on her to marry or name a successor. Elizabeth prorogued Parliament
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Who headed a delegation in the second Parliament 1566 calling for the Queen to name a successor.
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In the third Parliament 1571 what did Privy Councillors Knollys and Kroft push through, which Elizabeth vetoed?
a bill for the execution of Mary Queen of Scots
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When was the monopolies crisis?
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Who defended Prophesying in 1576?
Archbishop of Canterbury Edmund Grindal
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How did Elizabeth deal with Grindal?
Suspended Grindal in 1576 and he was under house arrest until 1577
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Who was the puritan faction on the privy council?
Leicester and Walsingham
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What said that Bishops were the Antichrist and wrote against the hierarchical nature of the church of England?
1588/9 Marprelate Tracts
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What made separatists different from Presbyterian Puritans?
They wanted to leave the church of England rather than reform it from within
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What Separatists were executed as a result of the 1593 Act of Seditious Sectaries?
John Greenwood and Henry Barrowe
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What treaty was produced improving Anglo-French Relations after the possibility of Marriage between Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou then Alencon?
Treaty of Blois 1572
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who did Elizabeth have arrested to make sure her religious settlement went through parliament?
Winchester and Lincoln
Card 3
What did the treaty of Cateau Cambresis in 1559 mean?

Card 4
How much did inflation on food increase during Elizabeth I's reign?

Card 5
Who were the main perpetrators of the debasement of the coinage?

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