Elements, Compounds and Mixtures 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAtomsGCSEAQA Created by: Mr_MackintoastCreated on: 18-03-17 11:29 What is a compound? A compound is two or more elements chemically bonded 1 of 5 What is a mixture? A mixture is two or more elements not chemically bonded 2 of 5 What is an element? An element is made up of only one type of atom 3 of 5 This [BB AA AA CC] is a mixture of [what]? "BB AA AA CC" is a mixture of elements 4 of 5 This [Z Z XZXX XZXX] is a [what]? "Z Z XZXX XZXX" is a mixture of elements and compounds 5 of 5
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