Electrolysis - Chemistry iGCSE (AQA) 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryElectrolysisIGCSEAQA Created by: Alec RobertsonCreated on: 02-04-13 12:39 When an ionic substance is melted or dissolved in water... ...the ions are free to move about within the liquid/solution. 1 of 8 Passing an electric current through ionic substances, that are molten, e.g. lead bromide, or in solution... breaks them down into elements. Process=electrolysis and substance broken down=electrolyte 2 of 8 During electrolysis... ...positively charged ions move to the negative electrode (cathode) 3 of 8 Negatively charged... ...ions move to the positive electrode (anode). 4 of 8 Oxidation= loss of electrons 5 of 8 Reduction= gain of electrons 6 of 8 At the cathode... ...positively charged ions gain electrons 7 of 8 At the anode... ...negatively charged ions lose electrons. 8 of 8
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