Education Writers Memory Test
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- Created by: ezziemc
- Created on: 04-10-17 12:22
Emile Durkeim: Social Solidarity
The welding of a mass of individuals into a united whole by teaching subjects like history
1 of 32
Talcott Parsons: Value Consensus
The two key values possessed by all societies are equality of opportunity and the value of achievement
2 of 32
Talcott Parsons: Particularistic Judgement
Once we go to school we are judge via our peer group and not just by our parents. This is done by the grading and sitting of examinations
3 of 32
Davis and Moore: Role Allocation
Believe that the functionally most important jobs need to be given to the most intelligent people
4 of 32
Criticism #1
Dennis Wrong argues that Functionalists such as Parsons have an 'over-socialised' view of people as mere puppets of society. Functionalists wrongly imply that pupils passively accept all that they are taught and never reject the school's values
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Critcism #2
Has a conservative bias. Finds it difficult to explain conflict within th educational system
6 of 32
Criticism #3
It is obvious that schools do not promote social solidarity
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Criticism #4
The theory plays down the impact of major social inequalities
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Criticism #5
Not all parts of the system are functionally useful. What use is geography to capitalists
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Hans Eysenk
Claims that IQ and therefore intelligence is merely inherited
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Hernstein and Murray
Claim that black pupils have a lower IQ than whites
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Func Evaluation #1
These are crude theories. IQ tests can be learnt
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Func Evaluation #2
Hark more to racism than empirical research
13 of 32
Marxist view #1
The conflict view that groups have fundamentally different interests. Thus some will benefit more than others
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Marxist view #2 The Hidden Curriculum
All things that are learned in school, other than what is officially timetabled. The Hidden Curriculum includes attitudes, values and the notions of 'normal' and 'not normal'
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Marxist View #3 Power Elites
The group that control the key institutions in society, media, business etc
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Marxist View #4 Alienation
Tedious work and exploitation produce a sense of misery
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Marxist View #5 Cultural Reproduction
Middle class people give birth to their children and reproduce their class position unfairness on their children. Suggests a lack of social mobility
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Bowles and Gintis: Correspondence Principle
Argue that the major role of education is to reproduce labour power.There is close correspondence between social relations in the work place and social relation in education.
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Louis Althusser: ISA
Sees the education system as part of the ISA. He claims that education reproduces class based systems of inequality by creating the belief that capitalist social arrangements are just, fair and normal
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Paul Willis
Did not find a correspondence between school and work like Bowles and Gintis. Nor did he find that boys were shaped by the educational system. Instead the boys rejected school and created their own counter school culture.
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Pierre Bourdieu
The most successful in the educational system are those that closely mimic the ruling culture. From this they achieve cultural capital
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Basil Bernstein
As schooling is taught in in elaborated code, those who do not possess this high level of language will not be able to understand the concept of schooling. The working class speak in Restricted Code
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Raymond Boudon
The cost and benefits of going higher into education are higher for the working class because of their class position. This leads to a loss of peer group friends and alienation from the family
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Sharp and Green
The child's ability is assessed in terms of teachers' impressionistic judgments. These reflected class differences.
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Found that differences in economic and cultural capital lead to class differences in how far parents can exercise choice of secondary school
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Marx Evaluation #1
Working class achievement has occurred in the education system
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Marx Evaluation #2
Many of the writer's accept Marxism too readily
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Marx Evaluation #3
MacDonald argues that schools reproduce not only Capitalism but patriarchy too
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Marx Evaluation #4
Many middle class pupils adopt the same anti-school culture as the working class
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Marx Evaluation #5
There is a problem for some conflict theorists of seeing humans as almost entirely passive and deterministic creatures, who are shaped by the economic system
31 of 32
Marx Evaluation #6
The economic system does not shape everything; note the criticisms of New Vocationalism
32 of 32
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The two key values possessed by all societies are equality of opportunity and the value of achievement
Talcott Parsons: Value Consensus
Card 3
Once we go to school we are judge via our peer group and not just by our parents. This is done by the grading and sitting of examinations

Card 4
Believe that the functionally most important jobs need to be given to the most intelligent people

Card 5
Dennis Wrong argues that Functionalists such as Parsons have an 'over-socialised' view of people as mere puppets of society. Functionalists wrongly imply that pupils passively accept all that they are taught and never reject the school's values

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